Tuesday, July 3, 2007

How Not to Multi-Task

A note taped to the refrigerator at work: “Please use spoon to get ice. Do not use your hands; I’ve seen you do it. Eew.” For real. There is such a note, unsigned, on our fridge. I love how passive-aggressive this office is.

Here’s what grosses me out: when I see people take work into the restroom. (And by people, I mean men. Because it’s the only restroom I can see from my desk.) Please do not make changes to that document while you’re sitting and doing your thing. Because I’ve put my drawing-to- conclusions skills to work, and if a man has work with him and he’s missing in the restroom for several minutes, he must be sitting. Which, eew. My biggest fear is that the work-related thing is going to be directly handed off to me for something. And I’m going to vomit. I’ll see a colored speck in the recycled paper, and although it’s clearly the recycled part of the paper, I will immediately assume it is a particle of something because that’s how my mind works. You want to multi-task? Listen to music while filing.

So I’m going to sneak into the men’s restroom and put a poster in each stall that reads “Are you doing work in here? Are you planning on giving that to Nicole? SICK.”


Unknown said...

I'm going with my editor, Crystal. She gave me the ticket and said I had to go with her, which I don't mind at all, because she's fun. The only problem I can foresee is that she might not be as dedicated to Harry's life as I am.

Today, one of my co-workers said Gandalf the Grey was a greater wizard that Dumbledore, so I killed him.

Your entry today is hilarious. I love it. Also, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with watching grown-up men take work with them into the bathroom. If they are going to be in there a while and need reading material, tell them to get a newspaper or something, for the love.

Chelsea Hudson said...

ha ha - i love you. i really do.

jessica said...

we have a bathroom off of our lunch room - and my boss consistently goes in there and brings the newspaper with him.

i'll be by the microwave, waiting for my frozen burrito to heat up, and he'll finally emerge (it's unfortunate to note that i do hear the toilet flush, but do not hear any washing of hands). he'll throw the newspaper on the breakroom table and ask me how i am.

disgusting. remind me never to read the newspaper at work.

Anonymous said...

whether you take your own or not, paperwork is always done in the restroom. Does Katy take baths in there? Curious.

Nikki said...

when i lived in a condo in college with 4 other girls, i put a note on my leftovers that said "jesus is watching you". it worked.