Of the three of you who read this, if you have not checked out the Literally blog on the side of this page, you must. It makes my heart swell with happiness. My only complaint is that it’s not updated hourly.
I tried explaining the website to Matt, who just kind of gave me a funny look and then spaced out. He apparently didn’t see the hilariousness of it all. Or I did a lousy job explaining, which I highly doubt. But! The other day we experienced an excellent ride to work, which helped Matt understand.
Our morning commute goes like this:
rush out the door and into the car
drive two blocks
turn around to grab Matt’s phone, laptop, or breakfast
either park at the train or hop on 26
IF we drive in on 26:
gripe about the traffic
promise to ride the train tomorrow
turn on the news
flip between CNN, CNN headlines, FOX, and ABC News to avoid the awful commercials XM chooses to air
gripe about the construction downtown
throw Nicole out of the car (Quick! There’s a bus behind!)
So the other day, we were listening to FOX (which let me tell you why I hate FOX – not because of their political stance [although that too can be bothersome], but because of how much they talk about Paris stinkin’ Hilton.)
(I changed stinkin’ from freakin’ because my daddio reads this, and although I can get away with saying nearly anything to my papa, it makes him shudder when I say freaking. So I will vow never to say freaking on this again.)
Man! I should not have had that last latte! I can barely write straight.
Back to FOX. After some update on Paris, the newsperson said, “And when we return, a story that will literally stun you.” I looked at Matt and said, “Quick! Change the station! I don’t want to be stunned!” The rest of the way in to work, Matt and I took turns pretending to be stunned in various poses. And let me tell you, Matt rocks at stunned poses. He’s like my very own mannequin.
Thank you, FOX. It was the best commute to work ever.
(p.s I know stunned can mean to shock or astonish someone, but it can also mean to make unconscious. Which clearly that's what FOX meant. the end. )