Monday, November 17, 2008

Big Changes Ahead

I have never gotten into technology; I can work it just fine, but I don't really care about having the latest thing. I could care less what phone I talk on, what tv I watch, which computer I browse, or how I listen to music as long as it does what it’s supposed to do. When Matt and I got married and moved in together, he brought all the cool gadgets, and I brought a tv/vcr combo and a twenty dollar dvd player from Wal-Mart. Somehow, those things didn’t make it to Oregon.

We don’t have cable, and I don’t say that to sound self-righteous. We don’t have cable because we’re lazy enough without it… bring in 100 channels, and we’d never leave the couch again. Instead, we have rabbit ears on top of the tv, which I affectionately call Gregor; from the couch, it looks like we’ve got our very own giant roach. It’s not exactly classy, but we hide them when guests come over. (See? JUST LIKE GREGOR.) It doesn’t bug me (HA!) to watch the tv, but one fade-out and Matt is bouncing around to find the next perfect spot to pose the antenna. I’ve conditioned myself to believe that tv is supposed to have interruption.

And that’s my approach to technology. My tv/vcr combo is supposed to want to keep the tape after I try and eject it. My dvd player is supposed to be propped on its side to play. My ipod is supposed to be thicker than a pop-tart. My hair dryer is supposed to smell like fire after two minutes.

Eventually, I always come to realize it’s time for a replacement. Last week, it was finally time to replace my cell phone.

The battery began to only last for an hour or two, even after being charged all night. I let this go on for about a month until Matt finally convinced me it was time for a replacement. I asked Matt to just pick one out for me; I didn’t want to deal with it, and all the options overwhelmed me. My phone and I had been together for a long time, much longer than anyone expected.

4.5 years to be exact – one year longer than I’ve been married to Matt. The cover of the phone still says Cingular, and the 2 and 3, Matt and my mom’s speed dial numbers, are rubbed off completely. There are scrapes and scratches all over. But up until a month ago, it worked just fine, so, even though I could have upgraded my phone twice already, I just didn't see a reason until now.

My shiny, new phone arrived last Thursday. It took a few days for me to get used to it, but you know what? I think I love it. Did you know cell phones these days CAN TAKE PICTURES?


Anonymous said...

i love you.

Unknown said...

I'm very proud of you for taking this big step in your life!

Anonymous said...

What in the world are y'all going to do when TV goes digital?! We see commercials about it constantly, and they always include a countdown; I think it's at about 91 days now. They're very ominous, like, "The TV signal will go black for the first time in SIXTY YEARS. Will you be ready?!"

It's not produced by a cable or satellite company, however; it's produced by KXAS, the Dallas NBC affiliate. They like their paranoia.

P.S. My word verification is "bistake." This made me lol.

Anonymous said...

i have not tried the limited! i will go check soon!!!! thank you!

Unknown said...

I do hate those commercials about losing your TV signal next year when everything is converted. They are very Y2K-ish.

We will be okay though. Most people don't know this, but you can actually pick up HDTV stations with a regular old antennae if you have an HDTV.

It is not quite as bad as it sounds. We will still have HDTV - just 7 or 8 channels compared to 100.

Just a fascinating nugget of information for everyone.

Anonymous said...

As I told you earlier, I am so proud of you, I know to you it's like having a child and now you have a new one to dote over and keep safe for another 4.5 years.

Sarah said...

We, too, have rabbit ears. I feel bad for them that we haven't named them yet. I will get on that. Do your friends never want to come over to your house to watch "The Bachelor" too?
We also got new cell phones last month. I seriously felt like the cool kid on the block b/c finally I didn't have to call friends that tried to send me pictures over the phone to say that sorry, my old school phone doesn't get those. Let's send each other picture messages sometime just because we can :)