There's something very odd about being congratulated for filing unemployment. Here's how I interpret it:
Congratulations! You're only 26 and you've been laid off!!
Congratulations! You've got lots of school debt for a degree that can't get you a job!!
Congratulations! You're back at square one!!
Congratulations! If it wasn't for your husband, you'd either be living with your parents or in a gutter with feces on your face!!
Clearly, this calls for a celebration. I'm going straight to my backyard with a bottle of wine and a good book. Come on over!
"Congratulations" is a bit odd. They should say "This won't last forever" or "You're pretty" or "This calls for icecream"...
Chin up, Nic, it really won't last forever.
Come back to Texas, we have jobs!
I'll be right over!
hey! just found your blog through "Kapachino" and LOVE IT. so glad I found you - looking forward to reading more! :)
PS: Um, I kind of LOVE your moms comment.
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