Monday, March 9, 2009

Summer, Please.

Yesterday, while I was making grilled cheese for lunch, I grabbed the leftover bottle of wine sitting on the shelf and took a big swig. Wine dripped from my chin, and Matt stared. It had been that kind of weekend.

It’s been that kind of month.

Granted, I did it to make Matt laugh. But the point is we needed to laugh badly. We’ve reached that point in Oregon where the weather is old and depressing. It’s still really cold, it’s still grey, and it’s still raining. Do you realize it snowed on my way to AND from work today? Well it did. Now, it’s just raining.

This is the last week of the trimester, and then I get a new batch of classes. After going through painful budget cuts and barely scraping past a layoff this month (thanks Obama!), I am looking forward to the change. New kids, no more nervous, edgy teacher, and better books. I’m excited and hopeful. But I could still use some – what do you people call it? OH. SUNSHINE.


Unknown said...

Nicole I know how you feel! Luckily I am escaping to New Orleans this weekend so I can soak up some warmth. I am so tired of wearing socks. And gloves. And scarves. I bought some yellow strapped flip flops last weekend and I CANNOT WAIT to wear them. In May.

Anonymous said...

Come back to Texas already! I've been wearing short sleeves and sandals for weeks.

Spring said...

Texas is calling yooouuuuuuuu.

I would brag about how it's been sunny and 80 here, but today it's 40 and rainy. So.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel.

BUT, Texas is terrible. I grew up there and I am a Texan, but its nasty.

Just sayin.'

Anonymous said...

I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you

I love you
I think you pretty
and smart
and awesome.
You are the very good great.
Drink wine.
Sun's coming.
Drink water when it gets there.
I love you.