Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday: All Over the Place But With Exciting News

I don’t watch a ton of tv, but when I get into a show, I GET INTO IT. Do we even need to recap my obsession with Friends?

Last month, Matt and I watched all the Mad Men episodes. So, naturally, I started drinking scotch and wearing bright red lipstick. We talk about what the main character, Don Draper, would do in a certain situation – a much dirtier, immoral version of the olWWJD bracelets. I think of poor Betty Draper and understand why my grandma was addicted to booze back in the day. I have never hated a fictional character more than Pete Campbell.

Matt took me out to dinner on Saturday to a new restaurant in North Portland. Usually, we’ll have wine with dinner, but you know what was the name of the first cocktail on the list? THE DON DRAPER.

We ordered two, we drank them before dinner was served, and we agreed that yes, this is exactly what Don Draper would drink.

I’ve been noticing lately that I haven’t been getting carded unless I’m wearing my bright red Mad Men lipstick. I guess it kind of makes me look like I’ve been playing in my mama’s make-up drawer. I’m okay with that, though, because frankly I’ve been feeling kind of old. Do you know why?


That’s right. Steph is engaged and set to tie the knot sometime this summer. We couldn’t be happier for her, and I’m so very excited to gain a brother-in-law who I love to pieces. But the thought of my little sister becoming a wife? Now that just makes me feel old.

But you have no idea how cute it is to hear Steph giggle on the phone. During her toast at my wedding, Steph said it was the happiest day of her life… until she gets married.

Well what do you know? That day is just six months away. OH MY.


Nic said...

That is SOOO exciting . . . tell her congrats!!!!!!! I wish I could be so lucky to be at that wedding too. Yours was aweseome and I knows hers will be great too!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is crazy but wonderful! Makes me feel super old too. But at least my brothers won't be getting married for a good while, or so it seems.

Unknown said...

Scotch, scotch, scotch...I love scotch!

Anonymous said...

OH MY, indeed! Wow, this was not at all the "exciting news" I was expecting, but it is quite exciting nonetheless. Pass along our best wishes.

Also, did you know that scotch is actually short for Scottish whisky, as opposed to Irish whiskey, which just goes by "whiskey." You probably knew that, but I just learned it recently reading about Scotland.

Because Peter and I are moving there. In September.

Ah, life.

Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to say that I know that Don drinks rye whiskey on the rocks.

Actually, no, you know what? I'm not embarrassed. Mad Men rocks my face off. It is truly the best TV show I've ever seen. This past weekend Sarahmac came to visit me, and we watched the first few episodes of season one, and she fell in love with it too.

How I love Don. Or Dick. Or whatever the hell he wants me to call him.

Unknown said...

wow - that is awesome! I wonder if my sister's next, she's got a serious bf too - and since her and Steph are the same age... maybe both our little sisters will be married soon. We are definitely old.
So glad you posted, you've been killing me.

Anonymous said...

Nicole, my brain can't even contain this information. Socks?!

You're fabulous on my blog today, btw.


dani said...

I know what you mean about feeling old when your little sister gets little baby sister is getting married at the end of May. How did she get old enough for that?!

I came across your blog from The Mother Letters Project blog. I know this is silly...but my daughter is in the Leelou Blogs cute baby photo contest and I am trying to spread the word for people to vote for her!! I need HUNDREDS of votes for her to even come close to catching up to the front-runners. I have been trying to figure out where to find hundreds of people, and I didn't think it was approriate to ask Seth to post something so silly on The Mother Letters Blog (obviously), but I figured maybe all the people who helped with the project would be willing to go give my little Makenzie from AZ a vote : ) If not, that's ok too. I am just trying to get creative and reach more people! If you'd like to help me by voting for Makenzie, please go to and spread the word for others to vote as well : )

EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY THOUGH...I am also recruiting prayer warriors for a tiny little miracle baby named Kayleigh Freeman, maybe you've heard of her and are already praying for her. It was through her blog that I heard about the contest in the first place. Even if you don't take the time to vote for Makenzie, please take a minute to visit HER website: and say a prayer for this sweet girl!


Daniele Brown

PS- THE MOTHER LETTERS PROJECT is in NO WAY associated with this request other than the fact that I found your blog there!!