Sunday, December 9, 2007

Baby, It's a New Day

Oh, hi. You know when you're trying to come up with a really great introduction to some really great news and all you really want to do is just blurt it out and have everyone toast to you and praise Jesus for some mighty fine providing skills?

I got a job! HELLS YEAH.

That's right, folks. I'm totally a high school English teacher. (I'm still so tickled to say that.) I have keys to the classrooms, a desk to call home, and 100 names to learn. Last week was my first week teaching, and it was hard and overwhelming and awesome. And I love it. This is what I get to teach: creative writing (already fantastic), literacy (very challenging), and classic world lit (surprisingly a lot of fun). I'm very thankful.

I'm creating most my curriculum, which is fun but also a ton of work. So here's my request: to all my writer friends and English majors (and anyone else, please!), any excellent creative writing ideas you remember that you'd like to pass my way? I'm trying to channel Mrs. Kirk in class, but I'm afraid she's way too good to be channeled.

Also, I must decide between Macbeth and Hamlet. Thoughts?

And finally, everyone must know how incredibly grateful I feel right now. It's a new day.


Spring said...

Congrats, lady!

No ideas right now, but I wanted to be sure and congratulate you before I forgot. My short-term memory is completely fried these days.


Chelsea Hudson said...

YEA!!!!!!! Awesome Nic! I am so excited for you!! and of course this means you are going to blog more....

Unknown said...

Way to go! I can't wait until I have a real job also.

Oh, and Hamlet, definitely!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Hamlet. And I'll have to get back to you on the writing ideas. Right now I'm too tired. You're the coolest English teacher ever.

Unknown said...

Hamlet. Seriously. I'll have to look through my notebook from comp theory. I bet there are some ideas in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna say Macbeth. Just because I can.

Congrats on the job! I know this is what you've been wanting for a long time.

love, megan

Amber said...

Amber and I have decided to write 1 sentence a day for the entire year of 2008. In a journal. Together.

I think this is a phenomenal class exercise.

Congratulations! Wish you could learn me to speak some good american.

Amber said...

Also... Hamlet is fine. Just fine. If you really want to teach some good s@#!, teach 'em some Hemi... Specifically-The Sun Also Rises.

Amber said...

Amber Seconds my last comment, and says to read Gatsby. Good books to teach together-so says Amber.