Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This and That

Two weeks ago, I started teaching again. The past two days, though, I’ve been at home enjoying some snow days. These are my first real snow days ever in the history of my entire life. I can see why kids like them.

This trimester, I am teaching four of the same classes. Planning has been great, but by the last period, I am so tired of repeating myself. Last week we read a play that I’m not very fond of – do you know what it’s like to listen to students read aloud a play you don’t like four times in a row in a matter of hours? It’s PAINFUL. Thankfully, the play is now in the past, and we can move on to literature that I actually want to teach.

All of my classes are quite lovely, with the exception of one, which is really due to just a handful of kids. I’ve found myself thinking in class ah, this is why teachers burn out so soon. I’m praying this doesn’t happen to me, but judging by my anxiety and the sleeping pills I’ve been popping, I’m going to have to pray a bit harder.

And that’s all I’ve got from my little corner of the world. If I could give everyone a Christmas gift, it would be a warm, quiet house with a twinkling tree and snow outside with sun shining through the windows. A day like today.

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