Friday, October 19, 2007

Setting Theology Aside for a Second

The other night Matt, Gurley, and I went to a show and saw a Christian band. I can’t say that I’m super fond of these sorts of shows, but Matt really wanted to go and I really do enjoy this band’s music. So we went, and it actually was a pretty good concert. Except for one thing: In the middle of one of the songs, the singer asked everyone to raise their hands. (I felt skeptical so I did not participate, which was a good choice on my part.) He then asked everyone to start clapping. A couple thousand people were clapping above their heads when the singer happily said, “This is what we’ll be doing in heaven forever and ever and ever and ever and ever!” And the crowd DIDN’T SEEM BOTHERED.

Damn it! I hate clapping! Oh sweet Jesus, tell me I won’t have to clap in heaven forever. I only enjoy clapping to Deep in the Heart of Texas. And that song’s only like 30 seconds long.

After the singer said that, and after I momentarily panicked, and after I remembered that singer-man doesn’t really know, I started thinking about how I would want to spend my time in heaven, assuming there’s a choice in the matter. I imagine Jesus and me floating in a pool alternating between watching Friends on a floating screen and chatting about life and literature while eating all the foods that we crave, mainly ice cream and gorgonzola fries.

But I won’t have to clap. Right??


Unknown said...

Hahaha, Lauren and I had almost this conversation exactly several weeks ago at a get-together she hosted at her house.

I definitely do not think we'll only be clapping and singing for all eternity. I think it's really kind of stupid that the usual definition for "worship" means singing praise songs. I imagine myself being a really awesome writer or having some sort of job in heaven, some kind of duty, because Adam and Eve had tasks even before the fall. Just my rational.

Anonymous said...

I think I might have gone to the same concert, only in Houston. I, too, felt weird about it.

And I agree with Katy, I think heaven will be a lot like normal life, only perfect!

Scott said...

Interesting post Nicole, but I think you misspelled "Seinfeld".

jessica said...

Ummm, so the Women of Faith conference that I went to with my mother-in-law was strikingly similar. I'm still recovering. There was a lot of "Aren't we just having a great time tonight, girls?" and "Ladies, get out of your seats and DANCE! You are FREE to DANCE! You are FREE to LOVE!! YOU ARE FREE TO LIVE!!!!!". All of this was accompanied by 17,000 women cheering wildly.

Even though we, as Americans, are certainly free to dance, I for one did not feel like it.

Anonymous said...

We spent our entire sunday school class discussing this post.